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Derwent Drug File Thesaurus

This thesaurus, available in three parts, contains all you need to carry out effective, efficient online searching of Derwent Drug File. Contents include a list of searchable descriptors in the current file, higher terms associated with the descriptors, non-searchable synonyms with their equivalent searchable descriptors, and four comprehensive indexes: definitions of biological concept descriptors, definitions of all substructure keywords, lists of terms grouped into biological and chemical fields, KeyWord Out of Context (KWOC) listing of specific descriptors grouped according to their generic higher terms.
The Thesaurus contains all searchable keywords except the newest drug names and novel concepts that have arisen since publication. The absence of a term from the Thesaurus does not imply that the word cannot be found in the database.

General information
Vocabulary type: 
Current version/edition : 
Edition 11 (2004)
Available formats: 
Was vocabulary created as a course project: 
Vocabulary provider name: 
Thomson Reuters
Provider contact details: